ZorgGemak MedVision360 (MV)

MEDvision (MV) is an SME that has developed the first EHR in the Netherlands that satisfies the (C)ENstandard 13606, using the OpenEHR archetypes. This provides a semantically interoperable model for user interface, business logic, persistence and decision support. These archetypes provide an ideal basis for data fusion and sharing between different systems. This EHR platform is open source and can be found at www.medrecord.nl.

MEDvision builds eHealth 2.0 application based on (open) standards. The products of MEDvision completely conform to ISO/NEN standards for EHR and to EN13606, the standard for digital exchange of medical information. MEDvision is relentlessly spurring innovation in healthcare. That’s why they are involved in several international state-of-the-art projects, which will hopefully result in useful digital products in the near future.
